Importance Of Good Financial Advice

Curtis HaighBlog

2016 has been quite the year so far.  The economy has slowed down considerably, the political landscape in this country is shaky at best; and many people have unfortunately been laid off from their jobs.  While there are small signs of a recovery in the oil patch, there are still signs that the economy will continue to struggle for the foreseeable future.

It is more important than ever to recognize the importance of a good financial plan, and using a professional advisor to help guide you.

financial baby advice

financial baby advice

A financial advisor can:

— categorize your risk appetite
— put a timeline to your goals
— map your current and future cash flows to your financial goals
— map your existing assets to your financial goals
— make a statement of your net worth
— look at the adequacy of your insurance
— make recommendations for your portfolio

While many banks offer financial planning services, we have found that there seems to be an inconsistent approach to your specific goals – mostly due to a higher turnover of financial planners.   You may have a great relationship with a banking officer and they may be gone tomorrow.

We have been in business for 15 years and have been growing consistently every year providing more Canadians with sound financial advice; we are your TRUSTED SASKATOON financial planners.  We have access to some of the best products available to Canadians and approach financial planning from a holistic point of view.

What is holistic financial planning?

Holistic Financial Planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your resources using a balanced approach, taking into careful consideration your lifestyle wishes and life goals.   Life goals can include buying a home, saving for your child’s education, planning for retirement or charitable giving (leaving a legacy).

Contact us today for a free, no obligation review of your finances.  We will work hard to ensure you have the best tools available and that you are completely educated with respect to your future.

Precision Financial

